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Male mage

"Casting a spell is like telling a good story, only to forget how it goes once it's finished."


The term Magic encompasses any form of manipulation of the material plane on either the elemental or vibratory level without physical contact or understood science.

Magic is diverse depending on geographic region. As the races of man scattered, various cultures retained or forgot segments of the overall wisdom of the ancients. The term magic, is also a subjective one. What's considered mythical to one group of peoples can be commonplace or scientific to another. Most accounts of ancient arcane magic is recorded in the Tome of Koth.

The highest retention of practical arcane magic is in Shalihir since they are direct decedents of Solvheil. Those that survived the expulsion of the Imlan Sea and the crumbling of the city became nomadic tribes as the basin became desert. After a rebellion against magocracy in the Age of Burning Towers, those tribes eventually consolidated in part to form governmental structure in Quil N'aair. It is not uncommon to find a desert mage in any town, encampment, or party in Shalihir.

The kingdom of Dalreon is comprised decedents of Kazatharis survivors. Until the flood they had respected the Great Forest that spanned the West. After the sea spilled over the mountains, they took to the clearing the forest as they made their way South. Because a majority of the arcane stayed behind and perished attempting to reverse the flood, and soured relations with the Elves of the forest, magic by and large faded from the populous.

The Elves of Lyritholln are mainly druidic with the magical abilities utilizing nature in their defense of the land. They are most powerful when found in the forest due to the density of vegetation. They do possess some arcane ability as the alliances of old saw intellectual exchange between them and the old kingdoms of the sea.

Harrn in the North is home to both the large stature rugged humans, as well as the mountain dwelling dwarves. Unlike Dalreon there are open relations between the races and their minor magics have been exchanged. This blending has brought about both runic magic of the dwarves, and the shamanistic practices of the Harrn. Both practices revolve around elemental magic as does their respective religions.

Orilyn is arguably the most magically diverse of all the cultures. Not only do they possess some traditional arcane magical practices, they also boast sorcery, or what is known to them as 'Fire without Parchment', in large numbers. Those that follow the path of a Sabaril Warrior also begin to develop great mastery over body and the surrounding energies. They can focus their field to perform vast feats of telekinesis and superior physical prowess.

There are also those who have an innate ability to use chaos for magical purposes. These Warlocks create spells through bends and tears in reality and creating small amounts of raw chaos at will. They are not limited to a specific geographic area, but instead are a rare occurrence across the land. Warlocks usually live in solitude, in secret, or in a prominent position within a rural tribal structure. Some scholars propose they are a result of the events that led up to the ancient flood and accounts of strange shifts in reality shortly before. These theories are met with great skepticism, as are tales of demon bloodlines.

Types and Styles of Magic[]


This form of magic must be studied to perform. Humans may be susceptible to Mage Madness at higher spell levels.

"Before one can understand the segregated schools of arcane magic, they must grasp the composition of the material world. To start at the beginning one must understand the separation concept of Order and Chaos. The lack of definitive pattern is not conducive to creation, and the endless flux of Chaos had to be manipulated to create forced repetition of frequency. Once a haven of Order was established it was secured and expanded thereby pushing Chaos beyond its borders.

From within this bubble were the elements forged. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are the four elemental planes of existence; which intersect in a planar sense to create the material plane. At said junction, their frequencies are within harmonious range with each other which allows binding within a common spectrum. This spectrum represents the material plane that resembles each of its four elemental cornerstones bound to a common linear timeline.

The outskirts of this spectrum are protected by a membrane, or veil that both contains and shields its singularity. Transition between the material world and an elemental or outer plane must take place through an opening or portal in this veil or through proper frequency adjustment.

Within this plane, Material and Energy are but two sides of a coin; merely the same substance in various form. Energy comprises Material when held together within a tangible frequency, and Material can likewise be transformed to energy with proper vibrational adjustment." - from Tome of Koth

Arcane Spell Schools[]

  • Abjuration is the practice of arcane reversal by either direct effect on a magical or physical property, or setting up a preemptive barrier. It often deals with the polarity of a given target and countering it with an opposing force.
  • Conjuration involves summoning from either within the material plane or from one of the outers. Its practice revolves around the knowledge of physical spatial limitation as well as the creation and use of various portals to bend distance.
  • The process of Divination entails sensory perception without the use of affiliated organs. By allowing the mind to act as a receptor to information, physical limitations of experience are thereby circumvented.
  • Enchantment deals directly with control over a creature or inanimate object. It involves adjustment to the properties of the subject in either a physical or mental sense.
  • Evocation deals more directly with various forms of energy than the other schools. Commanding the path and form of energy tapped from either the material or outer plane and channeled through the caster, Evocation is often considered one of the most volatile styles.
  • The ability to alter perception based on manipulation of the known physical senses within ones self or in others. Illusion often resembles Conjuration and leaves the subject armed with his own disbelief to make the distinction.
  • Within the material world exists a natural cycle of birth, life, and death. The interference of this cycle whether to slow or expedite the process is referred to as Necromancy.
  • Transmutation involves the commonality of material and energy. Adjustment to the vibrational pattern of either can result in a dramatic change of form. Often an intimate knowledge of the elements and their ratio is required for successful transmutation.

Demonic []

Chaotic magic tapped either through blood-ties such as that of the warlock, or dark rituals.


Granted by a Deity through devout reverence, the clerical subject acts as a conduit for channeled divine power.


The manipulation of nature through elemental ties to life. Potency and relevance is directly related to environmental conditions. Nature is also prone to influence from auditory sources, for there are deep-rooted reasons why 'Music soothes that savage beast'.


The use of raw magic from the base elements. Although in a minor sense, elemental magic is slightly divine in interpretation as the materials are represented by their respective deities: Veldarish (Fire), Sevantha (Water), Pulenthor (Earth), Glinthana (Air).

Frequency Adjustment[]

The art of casting itself is in effect the pulling of hidden strings that tie everything together. Much like the strands of a spider web, they are interwoven and respond in kind to the slightest disturbance. These fibers weave together in patterns and are found in all non-chaotic substances as the defining element of Order. They themselves are in constant and repetitive motion as they vibrate in sync with adjoining fibers. The frequency or rate at which they move is directly connected to their makeup.


The alteration or amplification of magical energy through use of a crystal. Practitioners are often called Gemcasters.


Operating on the principle of power being executed by the spoken word and stored by the written, runic magic draws from sacred geometry


Dark magic that borders on chaos, Shadow magic is largely employed by the Zinyari of Orilyn.


Flows from the individual user through sheer will like reciting a song. Most commonly found in Orilyn and attributed to their proclaimed draconic heritage


Tribal magic exercised by achieving altered states of consciousnesses through medicinal or mental means. Often involves elaborate ritual and material focus.


The alteration or amplification of magical energy through harmony and resonance. Operates on the ancient knowledge of energy and vibrational patterns.

Spell-casting Components[]

Material Components[]

Physical substance that is consumed during the casting process.

Material Focus[]

Physical substance required to casting but not destroyed in the process.


Words are power, as they are will manifested as vibrational resonance.


Posture and movement are often vital components of casting.

  • The default method of casting involves precise movements of the hands and arms.
  • Rods held with one hand are moved in a pattern.
  • Often used with arms outstretched or the staff pointed toward the target depending on range.
  • Often if the spell is a targeted effect, the free hand acts as the extension of the spell.

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